Researchers Assess UK Biobank Genome Sequences

In a recent article published in Nature, researchers analyzed 150,119 genome sequences from the United Kingdom Biobank (UKB).

From the group of UKB volunteers, individuals were chosen pseudo-random and split across the two sequencing sites. The authors stated that through a depletion rank (DR) score of windows spanning the genome, this extensive database of variants enables the assessment of selection based on sequence diversity inside a population.

Overall, the study report on the initial data release contains a sizable collection of sequence variants centering on the WGS of 150,119 people, including short insertions or deletions (indels), single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), structural variants (SVs), and microsatellites.

The authors mentioned that the present research’s description of extensive sequencing, and ongoing efforts to sequence the whole UKB, are expected to significantly advance knowledge of the role and relevance of the non-coding genome.

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