Challenges in Biobanking: Underutilization of Biospecimens

The underutilization of biospecimens stored in biobanks is a big problem. It is estimated that globally only about 10% of biospecimen are used. Underutilization is a problem because –

  1. It causes high costs and
  2. You lose the trust of the most important stakeholder, your donor.

Read this article by Dr. Daniel Simeon-Dubach, Biobanking Expert, Chair ISBER, which explains what biobanks need to do to maintain the high utilization of biospecimens in the future. Below are some solutions discussed –

  1. Be in regular contact with existing customers to find out what biospecimens researchers will need in the future.
  2. Identify market needs and pursue the newer technologies of biospecimen preservation since old methods get outdated.
  3. Have a clear strategy on which biospecimen are no longer needed and thus disposed of.
  4. Invest in market analysis and market research to identify the potential markets for biosepcimens.